
You Want To Make Yourself Heard?

We Got You Covered!

With our bags you can either proudly wear your statement or simply tell people to fuck off.

Our Goals

The ambitious goal of BAD BITCH is to make ourselves heard, show the world we’ve raised our standards and we won’t be silenced until we live in a world where every single person is treated equally and with the same respect. We demand equal rights for everyone and the end of every form of discrimination. It’s 2022, is this too much to ask for?

Our Philosophy

BAD BITCH is a women owned company running a store with fashionable and sustainable bags to raise awareness for the equality of people and intersectional feminism. We offer sustainable bags made of 100% organic cotton. Our planet is our only home and we have to take care of it, making a sustainable lifestyle the only way to stop the climate crisis. The bags are of high quality standards and GOTS and FAIR TRADE certified to make sure all workers manufacturing our bags are paid fair wages and have acceptable working conditions. Exploiting FLINTA* (women, lesbians, inter, non-binary, trans and agender people as well as all others who are oppressed by the patriarchy) in economically poorer countries to uplift them in others is not something we support. A bad bitch is the modern equivalent for a strong, independent woman (more correct: FLINTA*). Calling yourself a bad bitch feels like laughing the patriarchy directly into the face – we turn a word that’s meant to be an insult into a term that makes us feel powerful and limitless. We’re tired of being sexualized, objectified and discriminated. We don’t accept people telling us we’re overreacting when we’re upset about dumb, sexist jokes. We don’t accept not being taken seriously in our jobs. We don’t accept being treated differently based on gender, skin color, disability, sexual orientation or anything else. THIS is what feminism looks like. BAD BITCH does it’s best to help spread awareness for basic, fundamental human rights.

We won't be silent until every single person is treated with the same dignity and respect. Let's smash the patriarchy together!
Rosalie Ahamer
Founder, Owner
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