Let’s smash the patriarchy

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The patriarchy is so deeply routed in our culture and our subconsciousness many hardly ever recognize how a majority of people are systematically held down. The one’s who are fighting against it are told to simply accept things, it surely can’t be THAT bad. However, it’s 2022 and we’re not accepting to be paid less, to get cat-called or to be told we’re asking for it when we’re wearing a skirt. We hate explaining consent as if it was something extraordinary and seeing how our children are suffering from the effects of toxic masculinity. We need to smash these structures to achieve equal rights, together!


Why you’ll LOVE our bags:

  • 100% organic cotton
  • 100% ethically produced. Exploiting FLINTA* in economically poorer countries
    to uplift them in others is not something we support.
  • GOTS certified
  • FAIR TRADE certified
  • Washable at 30°C
  • Printing inks are water-based and ecologically degradable
  • Unique & fashionable design
  • Secure Payment

All BAD BITCH bags are shipped without plastic and minimal packaging to keep the environmental impact low.

With every purchase 3€ are donated to the Austrian Red Cross to help people in or from Ukraine.

1 Bewertung für Let’s smash the patriarchy

  1. Dani

    Love love love this bag! I always bring it with me when I walk around town and when I go grocery shopping 😍 Not only is it a statement but it’s also super high quality.

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